Product Update – V2.1.26
Note: The information in past release notes may have been superseded by subsequent release notes and updates.
UPDATED: April 6, 2021
New And Enhanced Features
- Reservation price can now pass to Google Analytics – After a reservation is successfully created the price of that booking will register in the conversion every time the “Thank You” page loads on the Booking Site.
- Limited Resource View Dashboard UI – This setting is accessible by Admin-level users on the Dashboard under the Settings > Appearance > Additional Interfaces tab. This checkbox allows users to Limit resource view to only allow editing of resource, user info, and reservations.
- Number Form questions now have a step setting – Dashboard users editing Forms can now change the step increment for number inputs. This setting will force end users to increment in a way pre-determined by the administrator. For example, Number form question with a step of 3 will only allow customers to input a number in increments of 3.
- UI to clear an applied Price Modifier option on Form questions – This new interface allows Dashboard users editing Forms to remove an applied Price Modifier setting.
- Booking Site refactor to account for
Bookables – Bookables using thedisplayonly
function are now accounted for when the Booking Site loads, allowing such Bookables to display quickly without numerous unnecessary API calls.
Resolved Issues
- Provider name not displaying on Reservation List CSV downloads – Fixes an issue with the CSV downloads on the Reservation List where the Provide name is not displaying.
- Unable to edit Form responses in the Reservation Details – Fixes an issue on the Dashboard where users could not edit Form responses in the Reservation Details view.
- Marketplace Discount Codes not working on the Booking Site – Fixes an issue where Discount Codes created on the Marketplace level would not work for customers attempting to apply them on the Booking Site.
- Back, Cancel, and Remove buttons unresponsive on the Booking Site – Fixes an issue on the Booking Site where customers were encountering unresponsive buttons when attempting to go back or cancel a booking with the offered “Back”, “Cancel” and “Remove” buttons.
- Reservations not populating on Reservation Calendar – Fixes an issue where reservations were not showing up on the Reservation Calendar on the Dashboard.
- Reservation charge prompted upon “check-in” instead of “check-out” – Fixes an issue on the Dashboard where reservation charges are prompted when clicking the “check-in” option rather than the “check-out” option.
- Users created through the Provider Sign-Up page unable to access Dashboard – Fixes an issue on the Dashboard where users created through the Provider Sign-Up page couldn’t access the Configuration tab to update or add settings.
- Resource Users unable to check-in Reservations – Fixes an issue where users logging into the Dashboard as Resource Users could not
reservations. - Travel Fees not calculated correctly – Fixes an issue where certain pricing configurations would not calculate the Travel Fees as expected.