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Release Notes for August 19, 2020

Product Update – v2.0.5

Note: The information in past release notes may have been superseded by subsequent release notes and updates.

August 19, 2020

New and Enhanced Features

  • New Marketplace Search feature – This new Marketplace Booking Site feature will Customers to search for Providers by address, displaying Providers available in the service area of the input address. Each Provider can associate a map as drawn in Google Maps to represent a given service area.
  • New default message templates for Waitlist notifications – Every newly created Marketplace will receive default message templates for every notification needing triggered when using the Waitlist feature.
  • Provider Website URL display update on Booking Site – Updated view of Provider Contact Details on the Booking Site to show both an icon and URL of website field when present.
  • New Display Function editor added to Form builder – This new feature in the Form builder allows for a “conditional display” based on other form responses. Dashboard administrators can display a question if the response to {{choose a question}} is {{choose a response option}}. This will work for only certain question types: radio, select, or number.
  • Resource Blackouts option moved to new page – The Resource Blackouts option has been moved from the “Advanced Options” tab to the “Availability” tab.

Resolved Issues

  • Reschedule reservations not updating on third party calendars – Fixes an issue where reservations rescheduled through the link provided in notifications would not update third party calendar events.
  • Regular Availability Bookables not working with Waitlist feature – Fixes an issue where the Waitlist feature would not function on Bookables using Regular Availability.
  • Timeslots are showing as completely available and ignoring visual cue for Waitlist timeslots – Fixes an issue where the dotted circles around waitlist timeslots were not displaying on the Booking Site.
  • DIRECTBOOKING_LINK message variable missing protocols – Fixes an issue where the HTTPS protocol was not adding in the DIRECTBOOKING_LINK variable.
  • Sorting alphabetically in Dashboard does not ignore capitalization – Fixes an issue when sorting alphabetically on in the Dashboard ignoring sensitivity to capitalization on lists.
  • Bookable Seats setting generating inaccurate availability when limited by available Resources – Fixes an issue when using the Bookable Seats settings “It is limited by the available resources” or “There is no limit” would only allow one seat per timeslot.
  • “No Data” red toast message appearing on Reservation List page in Dashboard – Fixes an issue where a red toast message saying “No Data” would appear on the Reservation List for any Marketplace that had processed Reservations on the old version availability engine.
  • “Internal” form questions not displaying on Reservation Details – Fixes an issue where form questions marked “Internal” would not display on the Reservation Details view in the Dashboard.
  • Accepting a Waitlist offer as a customer not triggering notifications – Fixes an issue where notifications would not send to the Customer or Dashboard administrator whenever a customer would accept a waitlist offer.
  • Resource Availability 12pm timeslot saving as 24:00 instead of 12:00 – Fixes an issue where Resource Availability saved to 12pm would instead save it as 12am.
  • Cancel and Reschedule email notifications not sending – Fixes an issue where Cancellation and Reschedule notifications were referencing an old API call and not sending.
  • Unable to create Blackout using IE11 or Safari – Fixes an issue where Dashboard administrators were unable to create a Blackout while using IE11 or Safari.
  • Waitlist offer displaying and then suddenly disappearing from Booking Site customerlogin page – Fixes an issue where the buttons to accept or reject a Waitlist offer would suddenly disappear after seeing them on the Booking Site for a few seconds.
  • Resource Group not showing all Resources when creating a reservation through the Dashboard – Fixes an issue where not all Resources would display as available options when creating a Reservation through the Dashboard.
  • Creating a Resource Blackout triggers the creation of a Provider Blackout – Fixes an issue where a Resource Blackout would simultaneously create a Blackout on the associated Provider.

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