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Release Notes for December 1, 2020

Product Update – v2.1.8

Note: The information in past release notes may have been superseded by subsequent release notes and updates.

November 25,  2020

New and Enhanced Features

  • New Notification Recipient option – Bookable Notifications now offer “Attendee” as an option for any email or SMS notification to work in conjunction with email and phone number Roster questions.
  • Form question descriptions updated to handle markdown – Form question descriptions can now handle markdown support and offer more customizations.
  • Updated UI on Booking Site for Event Availability – Bookables using either of the Event Availability options now offer a more elegant UI on the Booking Site for customers.
  • Reschedule feature removed on multi-segment events – Booking Site and Dashboard users will not have an option to reschedule multi-segment events.
  • URL parameters can now parse more question types – Users passing information into form fields with URL parameters can now do that using number, radio, select, and checkbox question types.
  • Updated default Booking Site styles – Default Booking Site styles, colors, and fonts have been changed for every customer without custom styles.
  • Hide automatically assigned Resources on the Booking Site confirmation page – The names of Resources associated with a Reservation on the confirmation page will only display if those Resources were manually selected by the customer and, in every other case when the Resource is automatically assigned, the name of that Resource will remain hidden.
  • UI improvements on pricing info for Dashboard reservation creation – Updated the payment information tab for Dashboard Reservation creation where users can clearly see base price, downpayment (if present), and balance due at the time of service (if present) per the price setting on the Bookable.

Resolved Issues

  • Creating a Provider copies Marketplace payment information – Fixes an issue where the create_provider call would copy the Marketplace’s payment information to that newly created Provider.
  • Date question types on the Booking Site showing timestamp – Fixes an issue where Date question types on the Booking Site confirmation page would also display a timestamp when that form response was submitted.
  • Multi-Segment Event displaying start and end times in incorrect format – Fixes an issue where Reservations made on multi-segment event start and end times were formatted wrongly on the Dashboard and Booking Site confirmation page.
  • Inconsistent Provider logo size on Booking Site – Fixes an issue where the Provider logo on the Booking Site would stretch or shrink depending on the placement and page.
  • Public Feed loading indefinitely – Fixes an issue where the Booking Site Public Feed would load indefinitely due to an inaccurate date format.
  • Price Modifier not working on Dashboard – Fixes an issue where form questions referencing price modifiers would not affect the base price when creating a Reservation on the Dashboard.
  • Filters in claiming gig reservations – Fixes an issue where the filters were not working for Resource Users claiming gig reservations on the Dashboard.

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