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Release Notes for October 19, 2020

Product Update – v2.1.6

Note: The information in past release notes may have been superseded by subsequent release notes and updates.

October 19, 2020

New and Enhanced Features

  • Updated Payment processing on Dashboard – Updated the Reservation creation workflow to allow for payment processing on the Dashboard.
  • New Validate/Invalidate feature – Provides Dashboard users to mark a reservation as validated or invalidated directly on Reservations through the Reservation Details.
  • Updated Resource Users – When a User is created to manage a Resource that newly created User is now joined to the associated Provider(s) of same Resource.
  • Updated Marketplace Provider Search Results – The Marketplace Search feature will now only show Providers with the status of active and rightfully not display those marked as hidden or locked.
  • New Resource “Offline” Mode – Setting in the Dashboard that allows a Resource to toggle “offline” and become unavailable for any future reservations.
  • New Booking Site Logo links – Setting to allow Dashboard users to link a website to the Booking Site logo.
  • Updated Reservation Claim process to account for resourceclaim_restricted mode – Since resourceclaim_restricted mode allows the Customer to select a date range instead of a start and end time, this newest update will allow the user claiming the Reservation to select a start and end date and time from the give date range.
  • New notification setting for Events with multiple sessions – “Reminder” notification triggers will now send before every start time of an Event with multiple sessions.
  • Updated UI of pricing information on Dashboard Reservation creation – Reordered and aligned the display of pricing information whenever present on the Reservation creation modal on the Dashboard.
  • New Customer account creation to happen directly in Form builder – Customer account creation is now, when required, a part of the Form workflow on the Booking Site.
  • Updated Custom Messages display on Booking Site – The Form question type “Custom Message” will no longer display on the confirmation page of the Booking Site.

Resolved Issues

  • Form questions and responses displaying out of order – Fixes an issue where Form questions and responses were displaying in reverse order on the confirmation page of the Booking Site.
  • Customer search issue when creating Reservation on Dashboard – Fixes an issue where the Customer search option would not respond when creating a Reservation on the Dashboard.
  • Bookable availability problem when end time is 12am – Fixes an issue where it was impossible for a Dashboard user to save a Bookable with Regular Availability and an end time of 12am.
  • Reservation time display issue when Customer initiates a cancellation – Fixes an issue where the display time on cancelled, Book by Day Reservations initiated by the Customer on the Booking Site was showing a confusing start and end time rather than just the date(s) of the Reservation.
  • Image size issue on Bookable and Booking Site – Fixes an issue where the image on Bookables and Booking Site would stretch much larger than expected when viewed on a mobile device.
  • Provider Contact Details not saving – Fixes an issue where the Contact Details fields on Providers would not save.
  • Resource Blackout also triggering a Provider Blackout – Fixes an issue where a user creating a Resource Blackout would also trigger the creation of a Provider Blackout.
  • Unable to view “Role” for newly created Staff – Fixes an issue where the “Role” field is empty when creating a new Staff user on the Dashboard.
  • Bookable Options display as applied even after deletion – Fixes an issue where Bookable Options look to still be applied on a Bookable even after getting removed.
  • Customer Choice Resource Group issue – Fixes an issue where Customer Choice Resource Groups display a downward arrow and “view more” even when unnecessary.
  • Provider name display on cloned Forms – Fixes an issue where the Provider subdomain was not displaying on Forms after cloning.
  • Travel Fee not adding to final cost – Fixes an issue where the Travel Fee was not adding to the final price of a Reservation.
  • Header and Footer content not passing in notifications – Fixes an issue where content was not sending in the header or footer through Message Templates in notifications.
  • Reservation payment issue on Dashboard when set to “Display the price, require no upfront payment and bill for the full amount at a later date” – Fixes an issue where a specific payment setting on a Bookable will not allow Reservations to process when created through the Dashboard.
  • Cancellation notifications not sending when initiated on the Customer Login page – Fixes an issue where notifications were not sending when initiated by the Customer on the Customer Login page on the Booking Site.
  • Advanced Resource Selection style updates – Fixes an issue where the Advanced Resource Selection display was cutting off Resource images.
  • Reschedule issue with overlapping Waitlist Reservation timeslots – Fixes an issue where rescheduling a Waitlist Reservation with multiple timeslots would not allow the user to select one or more of the originally booked timeslots.
  • Image display bug on Dashboard – Fixes an issue where images displayed on the Dashboard were getting stretched to the point of being unrecognizable.
  • Cancellation not refunding Reservations when triggered through link in notification – Fixes an issue where a Customer would not get refunded for a Reservation when a booking was cancelled through the link sent in a notification.
  • Embedded links showing the loading indicator image – Fixes an issue where the Periodic loading icon would weirdly show whenever a Booking Site was embedded, shared in a text message, on Facebook, or anywhere else.
  • Unable to reschedule Reservation with payment in Dashboard – Fixes an issue where Dashboard users could not reschedule a Reservation with payment on the Dashboard.

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