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Release Notes for September 11, 2020

Product Update – v2.0.6

Note: The information in past release notes may have been superseded by subsequent release notes and updates.

September 11, 2020

New and Enhanced Features

  • Mobile compatible Dashboard – Huge update that allows all Dashboard users to access and update the majority of settings on mobile devices.
  • Image carousel – Allows Dashboard users to upload and rearrange multiple images for a single Bookable, Resource and Form response.
  • Booking Site Search App – Marketplace Booking Site widget that allows Customers to search for Provider(s) in a given service area based on a polygon drawn in Google Maps.
  • New Message Variable CUSTOMER_SELECTED_RESOURCES message variable allows users to display Resources selected manually by the Customer on the Booking Site.
  • Updated Blackout Feature – Update to allow users to create bulk Blackouts across Providers, Bookables, and Resources from the list views on the Dashboard.
  • Updated Provider references in database – Updated the structure in which Providers are references in the database.
  • New Marketplace Booking Site logo hyperlink – New feature that allows users to insert a hyperlink on the Marketplace Booking Site logo.
  • New Display Function Editor in Form builder – New feature that allows for a “conditional display” of another form question when a user submits a certain form response on a radio, select, or number input question type.
  • Updated arrow icons when sorting by Accordion Tag on Provider – New arrow icons to indicate that the sort by Accordion Tag is clickable and interactive on the Booking Site.
  • Updated UI on Form and Message Templates – Users who have access to apply but not edit Form and Message Templates will now see a locked icon.
  • Modify option on Customer “Upcoming Reservations” list – Customers can now change form inputs or the date/time of a booked reservation from the “Upcoming Reservations” tab on the Booking Site using a modify button.
  • Updated permissions on Form and Message Templates – When a Provider-level user creates a Form or Message Template in the Dashboard those templates will now be automatically associated with that Provider.
  • Update to allow for decimal values in Bookable Tax Options – Allows users to set a decimal value on the Tax field in the Bookable price setting.

Resolved Issues

  • Gig Reservations created as booked – Fixes an issue where gig reservations were getting marked as booked rather than unclaimed.
  • Duplicate Resources Resource Groups – Fixes an issue where re-adding the same Resource to a Resource Group will duplicate it on the group.
  • Admin Approval notifications not sending – Fixes an issue where the Approval notifications would not trigger or send when a user would approve a reservation.
  • First Reminder notifications not sending – Fixes an issue where First Reminder notifications were not sending in North American Marketplaces.
  • Internal Form Questions displaying on Booking Site – Fixes an issue where questions marked as internal were displayed on the Booking Site when they should only be available to Dashboard users.
  • Resource Blackouts not working on same day – Fixes an issue where Dashboard users could not create a Resource Blackout to start and end on the same day.
  • URL Parameters not passing in form fields – Fixes an issue where form responses on the Booking Site were not populating as expected when URL parameters were applied.
  • Provider Contact Info on Booking Site not displaying on mobile – Fixes an issue where the Contact Info button on the Provider Booking Site was not opening the Providers contact details.
  • Issue with Regular Availability Bookable set end time of 12am – Fixes an issue where Regular Availability Bookables could not save with an end time of 12am.
  • Notifications sending after a Reservation is cancelled – Fixes an issue where notifications were sending on Reservations even after being cancelled.
  • Marketplace sender email problem – Fixes an issue where notifications sent from by Marketplace were referencing a name and email other than those set on the Marketplace Email Sender on the Marketplace Settings.
  • Admin Approval notifications not triggered when user clicks VERIFY_LINK variable – Fixes an issue where the VERIFY_LINK will approve a Reservation but not trigger the associated notification.
  • Cancellation link displaying wrong timezone – Fixes an issue where the cancellation variable was displaying in the Customer timezone rather than the Provider timezone.
  • Resource Availability Windows saving with wrong end time – Fixes an issue where Resource Availability Windows were saving the end time of AM rather than PM.

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