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Release Notes for February 16, 2021 – v2.1.19

Product Update – V2.1.19

Note: The information in past release notes may have been superseded by subsequent release notes and updates.

UPDATED: January 15, 2021

New And Enhanced Features

  • New Guest Checkout feature on the Booking Site – This new feature allows Booking Site Customers to book Reservation without creating a password, despite normally forcing account creation. Marketplaces taking payments for bookings can use this to create a better experience for Customers who would rather not create a password and simply checkout as a “guest”.
  • Feature update for the Provider Search Wording – This update allows users to customize the Search Description, Search Prompt, and “No Results” message in the Marketplace Search feature.
  • UI for adding Resource Groups to Single Segment Event Bookables – The Dashboard and Bookable interface now allows users to attach Resource Groups to Single Segment Events.
  • Update to email default sender names – The sender name of emails has always defaulted to the Marketplace Email Sender name. This update will ensure that notifications coming from bookings on a given Provider will reference that Provider name as the sender, rather than the Marketplace sender name.
  • Clicking “cancel” on a Bookable Option now returns users to previous screen – When users in the Dashboard would hit “cancel” after opening a Bookable Option, they would be redirected to the main Bookable edit page. This update ensures that users are taken back to the “Add an Option” modal instead.
  • Update to display the timezone for each booking on the Reservation List – Every Reservation on the Reservation List will show it’s associated timezone right under the date and time display.
  • New Reservation Count Reports available – Dashboard users can now generate Reservation Count reports through the Reporting tab under Activity. This provides easy reporting data around Reservations associated with Providers, Bookables and Resources on a given Marketplace.

Resolved Issues

  • Single Segment Event timestamp on the Reservation Details modal only shows the start date and time  – Fixes an issue where the Reservation Details modal would only display the start date and time of a Single Segment Event without any reference to the end date and time. The end date and time of Single Segment Events is now displayed to Dashboard users.
  • Creating a Single Segment Event Bookable automatically setting the duration to one hour – Fixes an issue where Single Segment Events spanning multiple hours or days would have a default duration of one hour on the Booking Site.
  • Provider Booking Site password setting cannot be disabled once activated – Fixes an issue where users could turn on a Provider Booking Site password but not never turn it off. This feature now works as expected.
  • Form responses missing on Reservations – Fixes an issue where form responses were missing from certain Reservations booked using Roster questions.
  • “Admin Name” on form question creation is required but not enforced as a required field – Fixes an issue where this required field on the Form Question creation modal was not enforced.
  • Style problems on the Reservation Calendar Week/Day views – Fixes a style issue on the Dashboard where the Week and Day views would list Reservations but allow the text to bleed out of their given fields.
  • Provider-level users in the Dashboard cannot create new Form questions – Fixes an issue where Provider users on the Dashboard were unable to create new Form questions on existing forms.
  • Cancellation modal not closing after cancelling Reservations on the Reservation List – Fixes an issue where the cancellation modal does not close after cancelling a Reservation on the Reservation List.

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